Of the Blight
Adventure / Horror
Cadan and Maeve search for ancient runestones to save their home from a blight. The story is loosely based on Irish mythology. I wanted to make a pilot inspired by high fantasy and horror, especially in the dialogue, cinematography, and architecture, while still making it feel accessible to younger audiences.​​​​​​​
Part II
Little Angel - The Mudman Song
Storyboard Animatics from Moonbug's Little Angel.
Little Angel - I'm a Princess
Fallen Leaves
Excerpt from my thesis film. These scenes explore a subtle underlying tension between two siblings as they journey through the woods. Watch the full film and story here: https://youtu.be/TG1ncKH0wlg
First Pass Thumbnails
NDA story samples:
Rites of a Man Undeserving
A short contemplative sequence about a funeral and the complicated feelings that come with it.
Low Tide
Action / Drama
A Siren must escape a hostile fishing village. This is a rough pass at a short.
Flight Lesson
El Gato
A slice of life experience I had about a freaky-looking cat. I was fortunate enough to workshop this idea with Pixar story artists!

Waiting Room

First Mate Cooki on the Titanic
Slapstick comedy

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